
Person with glasses staring off into the sunset from a high-rise building

Bulk Recruitment

Volume Recruitment

Due to some of our clients requesting multiple new employees, it is beneficial in some cases to 'bulk recruit' as this is less time consuming and more cost effective for both ourselves and our clients. We offer this as a service for our clients that are fast growing and need to expand quickly. 

A large-scale recruitment project does not mean we are sacrificing the quality of our candidates if anything we need to determine the exact needs of our client in order to get a pool of the right candidates and draw a suitable plan.

When we look at 'bulk recruitment' for our client, we have to generate several candidate pools. This is done by employee referrals, job boards & job fairs, universities & social networks.

Employees are a vital aspect of a mass recruitment campaign due to their extensive networks. They know their network and who would have the right experience for the role. Once they are aware of the roles available this is then passed on to their own network of suitable individuals.

Job fairs are again a very effective way of meeting a large volume of potential candidates at the same time. We can gain hundreds of resume's and meet hundreds of job seekers in a couple of days.

Recently Momentum Consulting Group Pty Ltd has partnered with Education agency 'Study Connection Australia' who offer advice and support for people coming to find work in Australia on working visas. This is excellent for our Bulk Recruitment campaign as it offers us the opportunity to meet with skilled individuals actively looking for work in a group environment. We are able to conduct speed interviews and come away with great candidates each week, all pre-interviewed by our partner Study Connection Australia. 
